Top 7 Tips on obtaining and enjoying the very best foods from around the the world when traveling

Drinks by the Beach. Yea!

Drinks by the Beach. Yea!

7. Take a Cruise with multiple stops at ports

You get the best of two worlds by doing this kind of traveling. Not only can cruise ships have some of the best foods you already enjoy but when you stop at multiple international ports you have the ability to expose yourself to some really great local eats surrounding each port.

6. A week before you travel, recreate the foods in your kitchen

Did you know it takes 7 times before a child can be able to fully determine if they like or don’t like a certain food? The same can pretty much apply to adults. Before you head out on a big international adventure familiarize yourself with some of the foods that are local to the area. Make a few meals at home and feel out the ones you really like and want to try once you reach your travel destination.

5. Learn to say “no thanks” to certain foods

One time we were watching a special on the cuisine of Southern Korea and let’s just say we almost vomited from just watching this particular special. The food, we quickly determined, simply wasn’t for us. We know it’s suppose to be rude to turn down food that is suggested or given to you, especially when in someones house, but it’s okay to have a limit and not budge. We, for example, don’t eat pork, so we won’t be shifting gears on that stance anytime soon. If you really don’t feel comfortable turning down food from hosts but want a way out, just say you have dietary restrictions or that you are allergic. FoodieFriday

While you may not get sick and vomit all over your hotel room expect your stomach to turn a little sideways when eating foods made from around the world. It’s just going to happen eventually when you consume foreign food you normally don’t eat on a regular basis. If you don’t end up getting even a little sick at all, that’s okay too.

3. Indulge yourself…but not too much

This advice is a great way to avoid the results of not paying attention to tip #4. Don’t get us wrong, you want to enjoy all the best foods you can but don’t over do it. Not to sound like food critics but allow yourself the ability savior every bite and take a moment to enjoy the particular foods unique taste, texture and smells. Also, by indulging a little less you give yourself the ability to try a wider range of foods without feeling like crap later.

Whether at the bar or the dinner table don't over indulge.

Whether at the bar or the dinner table don’t over indulge.

2. Remember that service is different everywhere

Here’s a funny story: when we were in Murcia, Spain, we would go to a few local neighbor pubs and restaurants every so often to experience the area or have a joyful evening. After placing our initial order of drinks or food with the waiter or waitress they would never return back our table again. If we wanted another drink or more food we had to find the waiter or get up to order it ourselves. Those experiences taught us service is different across the globe. Make little adjustments and you will be more likely to always enjoy your food.

1. Ask for the local dish

Okay, so you will definitely look and sound like an American when you ask for the local dish but it works. If you are at a restaurant or pub, instead of choosing the same ol’ American hamburger ask the server what the favorite local dishes are and choose one or two. Many of our favorite meals were discovered by simply asking what the locals eat. Plus, it’s a great way to be spontaneous and add to the wonderfulness that is international travel.

Dinner is served...differently

Dinner is served…differently

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How Men and Women Travel Differently

ID-10029473As a couple traveling the world together, we often catch ourselves wanting to do different things when we travel. It turns out we are not alone. Author Deanna Keahy explains to us How Men and Women Travel Differently and why it might not be a bad idea to let the sexes do their own thing.

What do you think: Should couples travel independently at least once a year? Share your thoughts in the comments.

How Men and Women Travel Differently

by Deanna Keahey

Men are always asking, “What do women want”? The answer, of course, is everything, plus a vacation that doesn’t include sleeping on the ground, killing one’s own dinner, or seats in the bleachers at some sporting event. Face it – we know men and women are different, so why do we plan all our trips together? Unless it’s your honeymoon (in which case you really should go together), it might be best if both sexes took at least one trip each year without their significant other. Why? Because you might actually enjoy yourselves more.

Men and women want different things from vacations. Many men like to spend their free time watching, or participating in, sporting events. When given a choice between a VIP experience at a major sporting event such as the Super Bowl, front-row seats to a Rolling Stones concert, an entertainment event like the Grammy Awards that includes schmoozing with celebrities, or a week in Paris, an overwhelming number of men chose the sporting event.

According to a recent study, only 16% would prefer a week in Paris. In other words, men would rather make a pilgrimage to the holy site of Notre Dame in Indiana than the Notre Dame cathedral in France. The same study showed that only 6% of women would choose the sporting event over the other choices. Even stranger is why someone spent money on this survey to tell us the obvious. Duh!

Alas, surveys abound about what men and women want from a trip, and since we’re all unique, we all want different things. However, cliches are cliches for a reason – usually there’s some truth to them. For instance, it is widely believed that women who travel want to see the world in relative comfort and safety, perhaps from the edge of a pool or beach chair, with some shopping thrown in for good measure. Men, on the other hand, are seen as rugged and macho, forgoing the niceties of a five star resort in favor of hitting the road and winging it with nothing but a backpack, their thumb, and maybe a change of underwear, if they think they’ll need it.

Many women would like to travel fast and loose like the men, but then they run the risk of being considered fast and loose. Fact is, a woman traveling alone could run into serious problems, depending on her destination. It’s easier for men to visit more places and have more experiences while traveling solo, because they don’t have to worry so much about where they sleep at night, who’s driving the car they just got into, and who thinks they’re “easy” because they’re American. Women travelers have to consider the consequences of everything they do, from how short their dress is, to the neighborhood where the hotel is located, to whether they should pack briefs of thongs.

That being said, men and women often enjoy similar experiences when traveling in major cities like Tokyo, New York, or Chicago. Additionally, most cities in Western Europe are considered safe for women traveling alone or with friends, because public transportation is fairly safe, English is often spoken, and European women have many of the same rights as their American counterparts. If your travel plans include places further from the beaten path or considered higher risk, you may want to go with a travel group for added safety.

On an emotional level, many women view travel as a means for personal growth, and they seek out experiences that will afford meaningful contact with people from other cultures. They want recipes for the local cuisine and souvenirs created by regional artisans, factors which aren’t always valued as highly by men.

Because men tend to be more competitive than most women, their travel experiences also tend to have clear goals. For example, both men and women may want to hike to the top of a mountain, but men want to reach the peak in record time while women don’t care how long it takes, placing more importance on enjoying the sights along the way. In the end, the slow way may let you get more out of a trip, because travel (like life), is best viewed as a journey rather than a destination.

Deanna KeaheyDeanna Keahey writes a blog on Cool Travel Ideas and exotic destinations around the world. If you’re looking for travel inspiration, check it out!

She is also a contributor to Best Travel Clothes, a site where you’ll find the best selection of travel clothes and accessories for men and women. Wherever your next adventure takes you, you’ll find what you need here.

Article Source:

To Travel or Not to Travel…is that really a question?

EDITOR’S NOTE: In this week’s edition of the Wanderlust Weekly, we incorrectly linked to this article for the How Men And Women Travel Differently piece. We apologize for the error. You can find the correct post at


eiffel towerIf you haven’t heard of Alexis Meads you are now going to want to know her. Alexis is a fabulous lifestyle & wellness coach and self described nutritional diva. She provides this week’s travel inspiration as she shares with us her time spent in France and how she found happiness in ways she would have never imagined.

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My Time In France

by Alexis Meads

I believe that anyone presented with the opportunity and ability to travel abroad, should take it.

I was fortunate enough at the age of 20 to spend a blissful 6 months in the South of France. My college offered a study abroad program, and while most students chose Australia, England or somewhere else English speaking, I had always wanted to live in France. I had taken French for 8 years and my parents had gotten married there.

After an overnight flight and a bus down to Aix en Provence, full of new students who I didn’t know, I got off the bus to find my new host mother waiting for me.

And what I found, shocked me…

She spoke NO English. I mean zero. As it turned out, very few people in the town spoke English.

Growing up in the sheltered, American suburb that I did it didn’t occur to me that they wouldn’t speak English. I mean, obviously I knew that other countries had native languages, but I assumed that most French people must have learned English and used it all the time.

Boy, was I ethnocentric.

What happened next, amazed me…

There was about a week of bumbling around, dealing with culture shock. Literally, I ran into a glass wall at a cellphone store because I was so overwhelmed. After that grueling week, my brain went into crazy hyper overdrive mode!

It was my first experience on how unbelievably good humans are at adaptation. I started translating constantly, even when I was sleeping. It was survival for me, if I wanted to live harmoniously with this woman in her town I had to learn to be fluent, fast!

Four months later my dad and sister came to visit over the holidays. It wasn’t until sitting down for dinner with them and my host mom, that I realized I had made it. I could now think in French and fluently translate the conversation to my family. After 8 years of studying French, it took me only 4 months to become fluent.

I wasn’t just living the culture, I was LOVING the culture!

The sun shone down over the beautiful historic town and lavender covered landscape. I shopped at the markets for my cheese, wine, bread and olive oil. I was free from a computer and cellphone, completely cut off from my world. And yet I had never felt so complete and happy. I had my small group of girlfriends who I had lunch with daily, I studied busily, practiced my French and spent free time painting the landscape or traveling to nearby countries.

It was the most balanced I had ever felt. My life was simple, yet full of joy and meaning. It forced me to blend in with another culture for the first time and grew my confidence. Not to mention, the food is by far what I miss the most. I lost 10 pounds just from walking and eating fresh foods.

So, to anyone out there with the opportunity to travel and live abroad, do it! You will expand in ways you never imagined.

Alexis MeadsAlexis Meads is a Lifestyle & Wellness Coach in Boston, MA. She is the founder of and Crazy, Wild, Love. Her mission is to support and inspire women to live the most beautiful, fun, romantic lives they can dream of.